News & Insights

News & Insights2023-03-07T08:30:24-08:00

Appraiser Highlights – Michelle Reddy

Michelle Reddy started as an appraiser trainee in 2020, working and training through the pandemic. She has been partnering with Valuation Connect since she first became a trainee and now partners with us as a certified appraiser.

How long have you been working as an appraiser?
I have been appraising for 3 years now, and have been working with Valuation Connect that entire time – including my time as a trainee. Some of my first reports were with Valuation Connect, and I continue to do work with you today as a Certified Appraiser.

What do you think sets you apart in your field?
I became a trainee at the beginning of the pandemic when everyone was refinancing. I learned to be very efficient in my apprising process. Having the opportunity to jump in and get so much experience so quickly has shaped my entire protocol for appraising. I also think my previous backround in non-profit development has helped me be able to communicate effectively with all the different stakeholders in the appraisal process.

What challenges have you faced in your career?
The largest challange I have faced thus far is trying to adapt my appraisal process because I just became a new mom. I have a 4 month old and it’s been a challange to rethink my inspection schedule and also still be able to give great turn times. As she is getting older it has gotten easier and had made me even more grateful for my job as I can have both an amazing career and the ability to have my family at home.

What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
Communication is the most important lesson by far. Appraisals are so important to people and can truly be life changing for people financially. I think just being able to communicate professionally about time lines, issues regarding properties and even communication with agents is so important in this field. That’s something I’m always working on.

What do you like about our company culture?
I like that unlike many AMCs, Valuation Connect has designated assignment and managers in each region so you can get to know each other a little. So many AMCs are just purely transactional and you don’t even know anyone’s name. Valuation Connect stands out among other AMCs because of their partnership and communication.

Michelle Reddy

Certified Appraiser

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